Sunday, January 12, 2020

Class is ON!

This Sunday morning I am meeting with the nine candidates in our current Permanent Diaconate cohort--exhausted from their first canon law classes on Friday and Saturday (taught by me!).

So the appearance of snow tempts me to give them a break and call of today's formation event.

But class is on--for two reasons.  First off, here in West Vancouver, we have nothing but a dusting of snow, quickly melting. Secondly, I am from Toronto, and still can't get my head around the fear of driving in the white stuff that is so common in BC.

Still, there are areas out in the Fraser Valley where snow is much more plentiful and driving much more difficult. The students who prudently decide to turn back after testing the driving conditions will not get any grief from me. But for those who can make it safely, it's business as usual.

As my late father once rhymed:
"Do I love the beautiful snow?

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